Today we see and hear a lot about decluttering and organizing our homes. Most of us think about tackling closets and drawers. Still there is one area we need to think about as well, our essential family documents including all legal, medical, financial, and personal.
It is easy to put off the monumental task of organizing the papers you need to keep. If you are like many families, you may find a safe place to dump them until you can do a thorough job. The problem with this solution is it’s not a very good solution. Your spouse or children may not know where to begin looking in an emergency. A disorganized box or drawer of folders or individual papers takes time to sort, and time may be limited. The following information from two sources gives you advice on what to keep and how to find them when needed. This checklist looks daunting, but if followed, it provides you and your family with the information required in the event of your illness or death.
Most Important Documents
The following list, while not exhaustive, is an excellent place to start gathering originals of the documents you need to keep forever:
- Adoption Papers
- Birth Certificate
- Citizenship Papers
- Death Certificate
- Divorce Decree
- Estate Planning Documents (Wills and Trusts, Health Care Directive, Power of Attorney,
- Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST), Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
- Marriage License
- Military Discharge Papers
- Passport
- Records of Paid Mortgages
- Social Security Card
After you go through all the trouble of sorting your papers, you’re ready to tackle conundrum number two: “where to store them.”
Additional Info To Have On Hand
- Name (First and Last)
- Current Address
- Home phone, Work phone, and Cell phone
- All email addresses
- Office Address and Office Contact Name/Phone#
- Birthdate and Birthplace
- Anniversary
- Social Security Number, Driver’s License/State Issued ID Number, and State of Issuance
- Street City, State, Zip, and Dates Lived There
- Who employed?
- Company Name, Company Address, and Supervisor Phone Number
- Position Held, Dates Employed, Starting Pay, Ending Pay, and Reason For Leaving
- Payroll Name, Branch, SSAN, DOB, and Place of Birth
- Date Entered, Date Released, Officer/Enlisted, and Final Rank
- Medical Issues
- Child’s name before and after adoption
- Birth mother name and DOB and Birth father name and DOB
- Birth institution name and address
- Location of Original Birth certificate
- Completed reunion registry
- Adoption agency name and contact info
- Birth Certificate | Name | Location
- Marriage License | Names | Location
- Divorce Decree | Names | Location
- Other Document | Name | Type | Location
- Attorney | Name | Phone | Attorney Address | Specialty
- Accountant | Name | Phone | Accountant | Address | Specialty
- Name on Passport, Passport number, Issuing Country, Expiration Date, and Storage Location
- Loyalty Program ID, Number Level, and Website
- Global Entry ID /Who Number
- Type, Location, Combination, and Key location (What is stored in?)
- Date Closed
- Other Keys – “What locks?” and “Where kept?”
- Tax Year, Location of forms, Name of CPA, and Contact information
- Federal tax owed, State tax owed, and City tax owed
- Federal tax paid/ref, State tax paid/ref, and City tax paid/ref
- Tax Year, Location of forms, Name of CPA, and Contact information
- Address(es), Taxable Value, Tax Owed, and Is Homestead Exempt?
- Type, Description, ID/Login (if needed), Password, Location, and How to restore?
- Website/Company, Login ID, and Password/PIN
Bank Accounts
- Type, Institution, Account number, Owners of account, and Institution Contact Info
- Statements Sent To (Physical Address or Email Address)
- Automated Payments From, Location of checks, and Used Checkbooks
- ATM/Debit Cards For Account and ATM PIN
Investments (including Mutual Funds, Annuities, and Stock)
- Type, Name, Account Number, and Contact Info, Location of Information, Value, and Date
Retirement Plans (401K, Pensions, IRAs, etc.)
- Type, Name, Account Number, Contact Information, Location of Information, Value, and Date
Debts and Obligations Owed to You
- Type, Debtor, Debtor Contact Info, and Originating Date
- Final Payment Date, Original Debt Amount, and Current Balance
- Date Paid Off and Notes
Other Assets (Savings bonds, stock options, etc.)
- Type, Name, Account Number, Contact Info, Location, Value, and Date
Loan Obligations
- Type, Loaning Institution, Contact Info, Amount Paid Off, and Date
- Account #, Originating Date, Final Payment Date, Loan Amount, Loan Balance, and Date
Credit Cards
- Type (Visa, MC, etc.), Brand/Issuing Bank, Name On Card, Card Number, Expiration Date, Security Code, and Customer service phone
- Card Website, Website ID, and Website password
- Outside U.S. Customer Service Phone Number, Interest Rate, Balance, Credit Limit, and Date or Date closed
Other Debts
- Type, Debt holder, and Holder Contact Info
- Originating Date, Final Payment Date, Original Debt Amount, Current Balance, and Date Paid Off
Life Insurance Policies (includes Accident & Disability and Long Term Care)
- Name, Policyholder, Policy number, Policy Amount, Policyholder Contact Info
- Beneficiaries, Due Date, and How Is It Paid?
Health Insurance Policies (included Dental and Prescription Drugs)
- Name Covered, Insurer, Policy Number, and Policy contact information
- Network, Co-Pay Amount, Website, Cost/Month, Due Date, and How Is It Paid?
Car Insurance
- Insurer, Drivers Covered, Car Make/Model, and Policy number
- Contact Information, Coverage, Deductibles, Deductions, Due Date, and How Is It Paid?
Other Vehicle Insurance
- Insurer, Drivers Covered, Car Make/Model, and Policy number
- Contact Information, Coverage, Deductibles, Deductions, Due Date, and How Is It Paid?
Homeowners/Renters Insurance
- Insurer, Location Insured, Policy Number, Contact Information
- Deductible, Due Date, and How Is It Paid?
- Items Explicitly Covered and Policy Notes
- Type, Name of Company, Position, SSN/FEIN
- Partner name and Partner Contact
- Info Location of Business/Tax Forms and Location of Inventory
- Name of Bank, Bank Account #, Credit Card Number(s), and PIN
- Bank Website, Login I.D., and Password
- Domain Name, Account ID, and Password
- Web Host, Account ID, and Password
- Email address(es) and Password(s)
- Other Websites, Login I.D., and Password
- Location, Type, Date of Purchase, and Estimated Value
- Mortgage Holder, Mortgage Account Number, and Lender Contact Info
- Property Taxes and Location of Paperwork
- Type, Year, Make/Model, Color, VIN #, License Plate #, and State of Registration, and Location of Spare Key
- Insurer and Policy Number
- Odometer/hours, Notes, and Date
- Subscription Type, Account Number, Company, Expiration Date, and Website
Long Term Health Care Directions (Self and Immediate Family)
- Name, Situation, and Care desired
Organs, Tissue, and Body Donation Directions (Self and Immediate Family)
- Name, Body part(s), and Donate/Do Not Donate
Guardianship of Children
- Child Name, Guardian Name, Guardian Phone, Guardian Address, and Notes
- Name, Date Updated, Time On Life Support?, and Do Not Resuscitate?
- Institution To Handle Arrangements, Casket/Container Type, and Open/Closed?
- Embalmed?, Burial/Cremation?, Where Interred?, and Who performs the ceremony?
- Pallbearers?, Grave/Memorial Marker Details, and Ceremony speakers
- Special Music, Notes, Food/Drink?, and Where Flowers/Donations Should Be Sent?
- Location of Will and Other Notes About Final Arrangements
- Company Benefits Department, Company H.R., and Phone Number(s)
- Employee Number and Notes
- Insurance Company, Company Contact number, Policy number, Agent Name, and Notes
Agencies To Contact
- Social Security Administration – Contact Number: 800-772-1213
- Veterans Administration – Contact Number: 800-827-1000
- Pension Plan Company
- Credit Bureaus (verify addresses) (send copies of death certificates)
- Equifax – P.O. Box 105139 Atlanta, GA 30348
- Experian – P.O. Box 4500 Allen, TX 75013
- TransUnion – P.O. Box 2000 Chester, PA 190
Source: Modified from Dave Ramsey, Financial Advisor,
Source: Modified from “The Big Book of Everything” by Erik Dewey

Lynn Ross, LMSW
DSF Director of Resources