Dementia from the Inside: A Doctor’s Personal Journey of Hope
Dr. Jennifer Bute was a highly qualified senior doctor in a large clinical practice, whose patients included those with dementia. Then she began to notice symptoms in herself. She was finally given a diagnosis of Young Onset Dementia in 2009. Jennifer believes that her dementia is an opportunity as well as a challenge. When she resigned as a General Practitioner, she resolved to explore what could be done to slow the progress of dementia, and to help people living with it. Inspired by the work of neuroscientist Professor Kawashima that showed significant cognitive recovery in patients with dementia, she adopted the principles of his approach and has produced materials for the ‘Japanese Memory Groups’ that she runs in the dementia inclusive village where she now lives.
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The Long Hello: Memory, My Mother, and Me
Since Cathie Borrie delivered her keynote performance at the World Alzheimer’s Day event sponsored by the Community and Access Programs of the Museum of Modern Art, her self-published manuscript has won rapturous praise from noted writers and Alzheimer’s experts alike, from Maya Angelou, Lisa Genova, and Molly Peacock to Dr. Bill Thomas, Jed A. Levine of the Alzheimer’s Association, NYC, and Meryl Comer of the Geoffrey Beene Foundation Alzheimer’s Initiative. Now it is available to the general public for the first time in a trade edition.
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You Might be a Caregiver if: You Give yourself to Others then Wonder what Happened to YOU!
Caregivers, perhaps the strongest of personality types, derive much of their personal satisfaction through pleasing Others. As a result, they often lose perspective on how to please themselves! This book will help these amazing individuals to learn about themselves through increased Awareness and Acceptance of who and what they are; and more importantly why they do what they do!
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The Lewy Body Soldier
They do say the hardest line to write in a book is the first, in my case it will be the last, as eight years ago i was told i had the Alzheimer’s Type of dementia, only to be told, four years later i had been misdiagnosed, and it wasnt Alzheimer’s, But the Lewy Bodys type dermentia, please read to see WHAT HAPPENED NEXT
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Creating Moments of Joy – Jolene Brackey
Jolene Brackey has a vision. A vision that will soon look beyond the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease and focus more of our energy on creating moments of joy. When a person has short-term memory loss, her life is made up of moments. But if you think about it, our memory is made up of moments, too. Available locally from Tall Tales Books.
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Learning to Speak Alzheimer’s – Joanne Koenig Coste
More than four million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s, and as many as twenty million have close relatives or friends with the disease. Revolutionizing the way we perceive and live with Alzheimer’s, Joanne Koenig Coste offers a practical approach to the emotional well-being of both patients and caregivers that emphasizes relating to patients in their own reality. Available locally from Tall Tales Books.
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The Validation Breakthrough – Naomi Feil and Vicki de Klerk-Rubin
Validation is a practical way of communicating with and managing problem behavior in older adults with Alzheimer’s-type dementia. It helps reduce stress, enhance dignity, and increase happiness. Since its inception in 1989, Validation has helped thousands of professional and family caregivers improve their relationships with residents and loved ones with dementia. Caregivers who use these techniques validate older adults’ expressed feelings, rather than focusing on disorientation and confusion.
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When Caring Takes Courage: Alzheimer’s/Dementia: At A Glance Guide for Family Caregivers – Mara Botonis
Top Tips for Common Care Challenges… From helping your loved one live well with Alzheimer’s/dementia to the secrets of capable caregiving, these easy to implement ideas give you a head start on creating the best possible day. When it comes to Alzheimer’s and dementia care, the only thing predictable about the experience is that it’s unpredictable. The more ideas and approaches you have, the better your chances are you’ll find something that works well for you. Available locally from Tall Tales Books.
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Relentless Goodbye – Ginnie Horst Burkholder
Ginnie Horst Burkholder shares from the heart about caring for a spouse who is slowly slipping away to Lewy body dementia (LBD). Burkholder’s memoir reveals how she handles the constant challenges through humor, love, commitment, and faith. At the same time, she does not gloss over the loss, pain, and loneliness on this emotional roller coaster ride that invaded her marriage and family following her husband’s diagnosis. Available locally from Tall Tales Books.
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Alzheimer’s From The Inside Out – Richard Taylor
Offers a glimpse into the world of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease. The author, who was diagnosed at age 58, shares his account of his slow transformation and deterioration. Addresses complexity and emotions surrounding issues such as the loss of independence, unwanted personality shifts, struggle to communicate, and more. Available locally from Tall Tales Books.
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